I did take some time off and then there were the holidays, but it has been back to work for me. After studying how the website was constructed (using Jekyll, Liquid template language, the CSS preprocessor sass, how the different scss files are compiled, and struggling with the parameterized design), I did push out some changes which made the home page much better. I added a simple one page HTML resume and grouped that with my now cleaned up Bio page. Much better! In addition, I cleaned up all my GitHub repositories, added readme files and in most cases with images, so they look good and will help someone understand what they are looking at. The GitHub link is grouped with the weather visualization project link and under the Portfolio Links title, so this is ready for other projects that I might want to show on my website. Finally, I standardized the size of titles which wasn’t easy because even though this was already done in one of the scss files, it was overridden in another file in several cases. My work isn’t done, but I’m making progress.